
Wealthy Donors Threaten to Withdraw Support if Biden Runs in 2024

House Democrats are getting a reality check from their rich liberal buddies who are threatening to close their wallets if President Biden doesn’t bow out of the 2024 race. The caucus huddled in their Washington lair on Tuesday, desperately trying to figure out how to avoid another Biden blunderfest after his latest debacle against former President Donald Trump.

Apparently, some Democrats in Congress still think voters, not donors, should pick the nominee. Dream on, Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas seemed to say, practically sprinting away from the Democratic National Committee building. Rep. Ritchie Torres of New York chimed in, echoing the sentiment that donors don’t get to call the shots. How quaint of him, considering the power donors have wielded for ages.

Most Democrats, clutching their pearls, are pledging undying support for Grandpa Joe, if he’s stubborn enough to stay in the race. Rep. Robert Garcia of California is in denial, claiming that the almighty fundraising concerns didn’t even come up in their pow-wow. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas is one of the few brave souls in the party acknowledging reality. He pointed out that the same cash cows who tried to block any competition for Biden a year ago are now rethinking their investments. Doggett isn’t bothered, claiming his district loves his stance. Maybe they just love his audacity.

Even Abigail Disney, the granddaughter of the co-founder of The Walt Disney Co., has hopped on the “Dump Biden” bandwagon. She declared to CNBC that her donations are on hold until the party puts someone else at the top of the ticket. This isn’t about disrespect, she insisted—it’s realism. According to her crystal ball, if Biden sticks around, the Democrats are doomed, and the fallout will be catastrophic.

Disney, who generously handed over $50,000 to Jane Fonda’s climate PAC, suggested VP Kamala Harris as a stellar alternative. Other wealthy donors, like Gideon Stein of the Moriah Fund and philanthropist Karla Jurvetson, are pausing their contributions until Biden exits stage left. Stein has put a hold on a planned $3.5 million donation, leaving the Democrats to twiddle their thumbs and pray for a miracle.

Written by Staff Reports

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