
208-Year-Old Gun Legacy Flees NY’s Liberal Chokehold!

In 1816, known as the “Year Without Summer,” global temperatures took a nosedive, and heavy snow blanketed Albany, New York in June. While people were shivering and struggling to stay warm, the nation’s oldest gun manufacturer, Remington, made the smart decision to set up shop in Ilion, New York, a small village on the Mohawk River. Fast forward to 2023, when RemArms, the company that acquired the Remington facility in 2020, made the disappointing announcement that it would be closing its Ilion plant and relocating to Georgia. This devastating news left displaced workers and village officials heartbroken and mourning the loss of 208 years of history. It’s a classic case of a big, bad corporation abandoning hardworking Americans for greener pastures, and it’s all thanks to liberal policies ruining everything.

According to the company’s letter obtained by the Utica Observer-Dispatch, the closure of the Ilion Facility was a well-considered decision, pointing to the supportive environment for the firearms industry in Georgia. And who can blame them for wanting to get out of New York? The liberal Democrats there have been waging an all-out war on the Second Amendment, trampling all over constitutional rights with their draconian gun control policies. It’s no wonder RemArms felt like they had to hightail it out of there – who can blame them for not wanting to stick around in a state that doesn’t respect the God-given rights of its citizens?

Furthermore, let’s not forget about New York’s other anti-business policies, like burdensome regulations, crippling taxes, and problematic energy and other policies, which continue to force businesses and companies to flee the state. It’s a real shame that hardworking Americans are being left behind because of these liberal Democrat policies that prioritize control over freedom and prosperity.

The situation with RemArms is just the tip of the iceberg. New York’s anti-business environment has become even more hostile following a ridiculous fine against former President Donald Trump. But guess what? The working class folks stuck in this liberal mess are the ones who will suffer the most. And with the unhinged liberal elites celebrating their tyrannical rulings, it’s clear that hardworking Americans are the ones paying the price for their madness.

But fear not, for in the face of this impending doom, there may be hope on the horizon. If another volcanic eruption were to send global temperatures plummeting, surely the liberals would have a plan to fix it. After all, they’re experts at coming up with harebrained schemes to control everything. So, let’s cling to that hope, shall we?


Written by Staff Reports

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