
Aaron Sorkin Targets Facebook in January 6 Capitol Riot Film

Aaron Sorkin, a famous script writer, is currently working on a film about the events that occurred on January 6 at the Capitol Building. Sorkin is known for his work on the TV show “The West Wing” and the movie “The Social Network.” He plans to focus on Facebook’s alleged involvement in allowing the protests to happen, blaming the social media platform for the events of that day.

Critics of Sorkin’s movie idea argue that blaming Facebook for January 6 is misguided. They point out that the Capitol incident followed months of violent protests that were supported by prominent left-wing politicians, including President Biden and Vice President Harris. Additionally, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, has been a major supporter of Democratic causes and helped fund the party’s activities during the 2020 election.

Conservative commentators believe that Sorkin’s focus on Facebook’s role in January 6 is an attempt to shift blame away from the individuals who actually committed illegal acts that day. They argue that it is unfair to portray the social media platform as the sole cause of the events without considering the actions of the individuals involved in the protest.

Overall, Sorkin’s decision to make a movie about January 6 from a perspective that blames Facebook aligns with a broader trend of blaming technology platforms for societal issues. Conservatives caution against overly simplistic explanations for complex events and emphasize the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions rather than scapegoating technology companies.

Written by Staff Reports

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