
Abbott Blasts Biden, Puts Texas Rights Above Federal Restrictions!

Texas Governor Greg Abbott launched a scathing attack on President Joe Biden and his administration, vowing to protect his state from the ongoing border crisis. In a fiery statement, Abbott criticized Biden for his refusal to halt illegal immigration, which has turned many Texas communities into what he describes as “refugee centers.” He highlighted the strain on public services, as millions of people with no legitimate claim for asylum bog down the system.

Abbott also criticized the Biden administration’s argument to the Supreme Court that its deployment of razor wire on the border was inhumane. The court ruled in favor of removing the razor wire and other barriers that were keeping people out of Texas. This decision further fueled Abbott’s frustration, leading him to direct his fury at the White House.

Declaring that the federal government had broken the compact between the United States and the states, Abbott argued that President Biden has neglected his duty to enforce immigration laws and, in fact, violated them. The governor accused Biden of setting records for illegal immigration and ignoring Texas’s demands to secure the border.

Abbott also accused Biden of wasting money and endangering people by directing them to cross the Rio Grande instead of using legal entry points. He emphasized the impact of this crisis, with an estimated six million illegal immigrants entering the country under Biden’s watch. Comparing this number to the population of 33 different states, Abbott concluded that the lack of action has caused unprecedented harm to the American people.

Asserting Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself, Abbott announced that he had already declared an invasion and that state agencies such as the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety were acting to secure the Texas border. Abbott’s statement dares Biden to send federal forces to prevent the state from protecting its citizens.

As tensions rise between Texas and the Biden administration, the ongoing border crisis remains a contentious issue that will continue to shape the political landscape and test the relationship between the federal government and the states.

Written by Staff Reports

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