
ABC Silences Pro-Trump Senator During SCOTUS Discussion: Shocking Contrast!

In a recent interview on ABC’s “This Week,” host George Stephanopoulos once again proved the existence of liberal media bias. Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton White House adviser, has spent decades embodying this bias, and his latest interview with Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance was no exception.

The interview quickly turned contentious when Stephanopoulos played a segment from a podcast interview Vance gave in 2021. In the interview, Vance expressed support for former President Donald Trump and suggested that if Trump were to become president again, he should fire every mid-level bureaucrat and civil servant in the administrative state. Vance also suggested that if the Supreme Court ruled against the administration, Trump should, like Andrew Jackson, openly defy the court.

Stephanopoulos immediately took issue with Vance’s comments and repeatedly interrupted him when he attempted to explain his position. The host seemed more interested in pushing his own narrative than allowing Vance to make his case. At the end of the interview, Stephanopoulos dismissed Vance’s argument with a quick summary, making it clear that he believed the president should be able to defy the Supreme Court.

This kind of biased and hostile treatment of conservative politicians is nothing new for Stephanopoulos. Just as he injected a hot-button issue into a GOP primary debate in 2012, Stephanopoulos once again tried to force Republicans onto the defensive with his line of questioning. It’s clear that Stephanopoulos and major media outlets like ABC are committed to spewing Democratic lies and silencing conservative voices.

Despite the growth of conservative media outlets and the general suspicion of the establishment media, it’s disheartening to see that little has changed when it comes to media bias. Stephanopoulos’ interview with Vance serves as a reminder that conservatives still face an uphill battle in getting their message out to the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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