
Ackman Blames Jill Biden for President’s Debate Failures, Questions Her Motives

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman has taken to social media to pinpoint an unlikely scapegoat for President Biden’s faltered debate showing: none other than First Lady Jill Biden. While some might expect a loyal Democrat to rally around their man, Ackman has chosen to flip the script, pushing the First Lady under the bus for what he sees as the president’s declining faculties.

According to Ackman, the president’s competence has waned to the point where he should no longer be considered fit for office. However, Jill apparently has no intention of letting him bow out gracefully. For Ackman, it’s not Joe’s fault anymore; the blame lies squarely with Jill. He suggests that Jill’s motivations are not rooted in devotion or duty but in a desire to cling to the perks of her position: the private jets, the high-society dinners, and the world stage that comes with being the First Lady.

Predictably harsh for a party loyalist, Ackman didn’t pull his punches. He accused Jill of putting her own interests before the nation’s well-being and even her husband’s health. Ackman’s dramatic portrayal paints the First Lady more as a power-hungry puppet master than a supportive spouse.

Donations to high-profile Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Pete Buttigieg, and Barack Obama don’t seem to tie Ackman to his party as firmly as they once did. His increasing skepticism toward the Democratic Party and specific disdain for Biden’s lukewarm stance on Israel have pushed him to a public repudiation of the current administration.

Furthermore, Ackman insinuated that Jill's power and influence surge as Biden’s mental acuity diminishes. He suggested that this fragility has transformed Jill into the de facto decision-maker, implying she revels in this newfound authority. The real shocker? Ackman’s insinuation that significant decisions supposedly made by the president could actually be Jill’s doing.

For conservatives, watching Democratic infighting spill into the open is a bit like enjoying a summer blockbuster. The finger-pointing and back-biting not only highlight the disarray within their ranks but also underscore the pressing concern of America’s current leadership—or lack thereof.

Written by Staff Reports

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