
ACLU Attacks VA Ed Dept for Backing Parents!

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is at it again, folks! Those pesky left-wing activists have filed two lawsuits against the Virginia Department of Education, because apparently, they have a problem with parental rights. Can you believe it? The ACLU is accusing the department of pushing an “ideological and political agenda” by actually respecting the wishes of parents when it comes to their children’s education. Heaven forbid!

You see, back in July of 2023, the department adopted model policies that aim to protect parental rights and ensure privacy, dignity, and respect for all students and parents. Sounds pretty reasonable, right? Well, not according to the ACLU. They’re representing two transgender students who are upset that the policies only allow biological females in women’s sports, locker rooms, and bathrooms. Oh, and they’re also mad about the department’s refusal to use preferred pronouns. Because apparently, respecting biological reality and the wishes of parents is just too much to ask for these days.

But let’s not forget, folks, that these model policies were put in place to comply with a state law ensuring inclusive and equitable treatment of transgender and nonbinary students. So, what the ACLU is really saying is that they don’t care about the law – they just want to push their own agenda. Surprise, surprise.

Now, why on earth would anyone have a problem with these common-sense policies? Well, according to one of the plaintiffs, they put transgender students at risk of further harassment. Really? If anything, it’s these radical policies that are causing more division and tension in our schools. And let’s not forget about the provision that required schools to hide a student’s transgender identity from parents. I’m sorry, but parents have a right to know what’s happening with their own children. It’s not the school’s job to keep secrets from them.

But of course, this is just the latest battle in the ongoing war against parental rights. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the left wants to undermine the authority of parents and exert control over our children. They don’t believe that parents should have a say in their education or be able to protect their privacy and safety. It’s a dangerous agenda, and we must stand up against it.

Thankfully, there are some parents and school boards who are fighting back. Just last month, parents in Virginia Beach filed a lawsuit against the school board for refusing to adopt these model policies. And other school boards, like the Amherst County School Board, have also rejected the department’s rules. It’s encouraging to see people standing up for parental rights and pushing back against the radical left’s agenda.

So, let’s not be fooled by the ACLU’s attempts to paint this as a fight for equality and inclusivity. This is about undermining parental rights and imposing their own ideological agenda on our schools. We must continue to defend the rights of parents and ensure that they have the final say in their children’s education. Our children’s future depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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