
Army Chief Moves to Rectify Vaccine Mandate Damage Under Biden’s Oversight

The latest from the Army indicates that the long-overdue reckoning regarding the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate is finally gaining traction. Army Chief of Staff General Randy George has decided it’s time to dig through the pile of general officer memorandums of reprimand, or GOMORs, issued to soldiers who took a stand against the vaccine mandate. This wipe-the-slate-clean attitude comes after thousands of dedicated troops were unceremoniously booted from the military due to their refusal to take a vaccine that was still in the Emergency Use Authorization phase.

General George has taken the commendable step of reaching out to some of those affected, signaling that the Army is not only aware of these injustices but is actively seeking to rectify them. This move may appear small, but in the military bureaucracy, it’s akin to finding a unicorn in a haystack. The GOMORs in question effectively act as blemishes on the records of soldiers who simply wanted to make a personal health choice, and the Army is finally starting to look into whether those decisions were unjustifiably punitive.

Under the Biden administration’s oversight, over 8,000 troops were shown the door, all under the guise of a vaccine that folks were told would save lives. However, critics note this mass expulsion occurred during a critical recruitment crisis and suffered its own decline in active personnel. Soldiers who served honorably were pushed out simply for refusing a shot. Who knew national security could be compromised by bureaucratic health mandates? 


The GOP did manage to roll back that disastrous vaccine mandate in late 2022, but the damage was already done. Many capable soldiers were lost, and now the Pentagon is slowly reversing its course on the absurdity that once was the military’s vaccine policy. With Trump now allowing the return of veterans discharged over this issue—with all backpay and benefits promised—there may just be hope for those still grappling with the fallout of unjust reprimands.

As General George’s efforts to reassess the GOMORs move forward, it’s reported that around 1,900 soldiers had been forced out due to the mandate, and over half of them have been contacted to get their stories heard. Anecdotes of these previously silenced voices seeking to return to service are emerging, indicating that the Army may be getting serious about healing the wounds left from the pandemic policies. In a surprising twist, the military may actually prioritize its best interest—recruiting the best personnel possible—over the performance of punitive paperwork. Who knew that relenting from a disastrous policy could be deemed a step in the right direction?

Written by Staff Reports

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