
Attack Survivor Faces Threats for Advocating Against Hamas

Natalie Sanandaji, who survived a terrifying attack during an Israeli music festival last October, is now facing troubling challenges in the United States. Supporters of the pro-Palestinian movement have exposed her personal information online, leading to disturbing death threats directed at her.

Despite the threats, Sanandaji remains determined to speak out against Hamas and advocate for those impacted by the tragic events of that fateful day. She bravely shared her story on social media, refusing to be silenced by those trying to intimidate her into submission.

During an appearance on the “Just the News, No Noise” program, Sanandaji revealed that her phone number had also been published on a website, resulting in a barrage of threatening messages and calls. The hateful content included menacing words and images meant to instill fear in her.

In the wake of the attack she survived, Sanandaji has been vocal about her support for Israel and her opposition to Hamas. She believes that her viewpoints have led to discrimination on social media platforms like Instagram, where her posts receive limited visibility—a tactic she views as an attempt to stifle her voice.

Furthermore, anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses have escalated, with events at Columbia University prompting the relocation of classes to protect Jewish students. The situation has become so concerning that Jewish students are now escorting each other to avoid walking alone, highlighting the heightened tensions on campuses nationwide.

Sanandaji, hailing from Israeli and Iranian heritage and a native New Yorker, criticized the lack of understanding among some protesters, suggesting they have been misled and manipulated. She expressed concern over potential backlash against Ivy League institutions from donors who may reconsider supporting schools allowing such disruptive protests.

This disturbing trend underscores the need for open dialogue and mutual respect in discussing complex geopolitical issues, as well as the importance of safeguarding individuals’ rights to express their beliefs without fear of retaliation.

Written by Staff Reports

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