
Biden Befuddled: Odd Ground Gazing During Jordanian King Visit!

In yet another display of questionable competence, President Joe Biden found himself in the middle of a controversial moment during a visit from King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House. As the Jordanian leader was delivering his remarks, Biden was caught on camera meandering in the background. According to reports, Biden even muttered, “Your majesty, over to you,” before aimlessly wandering away from the podium. It seems like someone forgot their cue!

Oblivious to everything happening around him, Biden then began searching the floor for markings that would indicate where he was supposed to stand. It’s almost as if he was playing a game of “Where’s Waldo” instead of fulfilling his presidential duties. After awkwardly crossing behind King Abdullah, still scanning the floor for clues, Biden eventually returned to his original spot on the king’s left side.

To make matters worse, Biden then chuckled and confessed, “I switched sides on you.” It’s truly remarkable how he managed to make a simple task of standing in the right place into a convoluted mess.

While some may try to defend Biden’s mental acuity, it’s hard to ignore the mounting evidence of his forgetfulness. Last week, he mistakenly referred to French President Emmanuel Macron as the late François Mitterrand and confused former German leader Angela Merkel with the late Helmut Kohl. These slip-ups only add to the narrative that Biden’s memory is not as sharp as it should be.

The recent report by special counsel Robert Hur further fueled concerns about Biden’s competency. According to the report, Biden’s memory lapses were evident during the interview, as he struggled to remember key details from his time as vice president. From forgetting when his term ended to not even remembering when his son Beau died, it’s becoming increasingly evident that Biden’s memory is a cause for concern.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis didn’t hold back in his assessment of the situation, suggesting that Biden may be too senile to actually stand trial. Whether or not that’s true, it’s clear that Biden’s ability to carry out his duties as president is becoming a subject of scrutiny. Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate his fitness for the job.

Written by Staff Reports

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