
Biden Begs Media for Claps, Snubs Real News

The Biden administration is really getting their feathers ruffled over the media not giving them a big enough pat on the back. Can you believe it? These guys think they’re owed a round of applause for their quote-unquote “economic renaissance.” If only former President Trump had tried to pull this stunt. The left would have been foaming at the mouth, calling for his head on a platter. But, leave it to Sleepy Joe and his crew to try and strong-arm the media into giving them the sugar-coated coverage they crave.

Apparently, the Biden camp is hosting off-the-record trips for top political reporters and editors at their headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware. But, here’s the catch: they’re not just schmoozing the media for kicks and giggles. Nope, they’re also taking the opportunity to school these reporters on how they should be covering the Biden 2024 operation. They’ve even gone as far as to present reporters with a spreadsheet highlighting where they believe their reporting has “fallen short,” particularly when it comes to Trump’s coverage. Can you believe the nerve of these people?

It’s clear that the Biden team has a total control freak complex. They’re desperate to control every little detail of the media narrative, as if that’s going to score them some brownie points with the American people. But here’s a reality check for them: no amount of media manipulation can cover up the fact that Joe Biden is about as fit to run for re-election as a three-legged horse. They can’t muzzle the truth forever. The American people are smart enough to see through the smoke and mirrors. So, good luck with that, Biden team. You’re going to need it.

Written by Staff Reports

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