
Biden Blunders Again with False Supreme Court Claim on Gas Exports

It seems Sleepy Joe Biden’s White House has once again demonstrated its proficiency at getting things wrong. This time, they had to delete an official post from the President’s POTUS account after a comically embarrassing mix-up. The post accused the Supreme Court of overturning a Department of Energy freeze on new liquefied natural gas exports when the ruling came from a federal judge. Oops.

The muddled missive claimed that “yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling on our pause on Liquified Natural Gas exports is incredibly disappointing.” It seems Biden or whoever manages his social media forgot to check their facts—or perhaps it’s just another sign of the President’s well-documented cognitive decline. After all, the real ruling came from Judge James Cain of the Western District of Louisiana. He decided that the Department of Energy’s export pause would " stay in its entirety, effective immediately.” Facts matter, folks.

This blunder didn’t escape the sharp eyes of users on X (formerly known as Twitter), who had a field day mocking the President. They dubbed the post “embarrassing” and made sly jabs about Biden’s mental acuity, suggesting that incidents like these are par for the course after 4 p.m. It’s almost as if even the President’s social media managers are on an early-bird special.

For those keeping score at home, this isn’t just a social media gaffe; it comes on the heels of serious concerns about Biden’s mental fitness. Following a questionable debate performance last week, many are starting to wonder if Joe should really be the Democrats’ pick for November. And after this latest flub, it’s clear the man needs a nap more than America needs his energy policies.

Adding fuel to the fire, Biden took the opportunity Monday night to rail against the Supreme Court’s decision on Trump’s immunity case. He called the ruling a move to turn the president into a king, expressing his dismay with a speech that sounded more like a high school civics lesson gone wrong. According to Biden, the decision dangerously lifts constraints on presidential power—a bizarre take given that the court merely reaffirmed existing legal doctrines.

The Supreme Court ruled that presidents have “absolute immunity” for official acts performed under their core responsibilities and noted some immunity for other official conduct. In other words, no president, not even Biden, is above the law for unofficial misconduct. Someone should remind Joe about all the things he’s let slide lately.

What’s clear is that Biden’s handlers had better keep an eye on him—and maybe his social media, too. The American public deserves better than fact-free rants and botched posts from the White House.

Written by Staff Reports

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