
Biden Boasts About Late Rescues After Abandoning Americans in Afghanistan

Blinken was in Kabul to commemorate the second anniversary of the Taliban's takeover of the city. He noted that it was a difficult decision to leave Afghanistan, but sometimes, you have to make the necessary decisions to protect the country. Blinken also said that the US government was able to successfully evacuate many of those who wanted to leave before the military deployed its forces.

It was a big deal for the thousands of Afghans and American citizens who risked their lives to help the US during the war. Unfortunately, after the chaotic evacuation of the airport, they were left behind. Due to the historic mistake, 13 US soldiers were killed by an ISIS-K attack. It also injured a lot more people. Blinken's performance was a gold star.

In another news, the Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary revealed that the US government doesn't know where the weapons and equipment left behind by the American troops in Afghanistan ended up. After being asked about the situation, Singh gave a prompt and thorough response. It's reassuring to know that the government doesn't have a clue where the dangerous items went.

New details have emerged regarding the Biden administration's failure to heed warnings about the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan before the US decided to withdraw its troops. According to reports, the intelligence and military communities warned the US government that the country's government could not effectively fight the Taliban.

What a display of leadership by Biden and his team. They have outdone themselves once again.

Written by Staff Reports

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