
Biden Dodges Blame as Default Looms; GOP Fights for Work Requirements

The clock is ticking and the Biden administration seems to be skipping town while the White House deflects and blames others. In just a week, the nation could be heading towards default. This comes after Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pushed the deadline back to June 5. The Republicans are doing their part to ensure that work requirements remain in place. Meanwhile, the Democrats are in disarray with negotiations, particularly when it comes to their more progressive members.

Rep. Garret Graves from Louisiana made it clear that work requirements are non-negotiable. He criticized the Democrats for their opposition to them, arguing that their stance will threaten the recipients of other federal benefit programs. While work requirements are not the only obstacle to an agreement, they are one of the largest.

Many Americans support work requirements, according to several polls. It’s important for Congress to raise the debt ceiling while also taking steps to cut spending. In fact, most Americans, at 60%, support the Republican plan to raise the debt ceiling only while cutting spending. A Fox News poll shows that if the nation defaults, Americans will blame President Biden over Congressional Republicans.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy tried to negotiate with President Biden for more than three months but was met with resistance. As time runs out, it’s essential for the White House to take action rather than deflect and blame others. The American people are counting on their leaders to come up with a solution before it’s too late. The Republicans are holding the line and fighting for what they believe is right, as they always have.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

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