
Biden Faces Campaign Doubts Post Debate Family Rallies for Second Term Push

President Joe Biden recently found himself in a bit of a pickle after a lackluster performance during a presidential debate raised concerns among donors and Democrat officials about his ability to stay in the race for a second term. Reports surfaced that Biden huddled with his family at Camp David to discuss his future in the campaign, with wife Jill, son Hunter Biden, daughter Ashley Biden, and even grandchildren in attendance.

While some called for Biden to step aside, his family, especially his son Hunter Biden, is pushing him to soldier on. Hunter, described as a strong voice in the Biden clan, apparently wants Americans to see a different side of his father—one more in control and well-versed in the facts. Maybe they’re hoping for a Biden who looks more like a winner and less like a fumbler in chief.

The blame game didn’t take long, with fingers pointing at former White House chief of staff Ron Klain, adviser Anita Dunn, and attorney Bob Bauer for Biden’s debate debacle. It seems like there was more heat on Biden prepping in a “debate camp” akin to a prizefighter being thrown into a sauna for hours before a title fight.

Despite the rocky debate, Biden found support from former Presidents Obama and Clinton, who chalked it up to just one of those bad nights. However, with Hunter Biden urging his father to stay in the race and fight on, it looks like the Biden family is not ready to throw in the towel just yet.

Written by Staff Reports

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