
Biden Hosts Elite State Dinner Amid Economic Struggles and Hunter Biden Controversy

In a recent gathering at the White House, President Joe Biden hosted a State Dinner for the Kenyan president, William Ruto. The event was attended by Democratic elites, Hollywood celebrities, and sports figures. While former President Trump embraced real Americans in the South Bronx, Biden entertained a crowd that included actors like Sean Penn and LeVar Burton, as well as political figures such as Hillary Clinton and Rep. Ilhan Omar. 


One controversial guest at the dinner was Hunter Biden, who is facing federal charges. Despite his legal troubles, he was seated prominently at the main table, drawing attention from Democratic insiders who questioned the political optics of his presence at such events. It’s concerning to see someone with Hunter’s background being showcased by the president, especially amid rising inflation and economic challenges for everyday Americans.

Former President Obama made a brief appearance at the dinner, highlighting the continued influence of past administrations in Democratic circles. Biden himself made a puzzling comment about Obama, referring to him as a member of the “African diaspora.” This slip of the tongue raises questions about Biden’s awareness and coherence, especially considering his advanced age and frequent verbal gaffes.

Overall, the State Dinner reflects the disconnect between the ruling class and ordinary citizens. While Biden hobnobs with Hollywood and political elites, hardworking Americans are grappling with the consequences of his administration’s policies. It’s crucial for leaders to prioritize the concerns of the people they serve, rather than indulging in lavish events that only serve to highlight their detachment from reality.

Written by Staff Reports

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