
Biden Loses Cool with Fox Reporter: Details Inside!

In a recent confrontation with Fox News reporter Peter Doocy, President Joe Biden once again denied any involvement or knowledge of his son’s questionable business deals. However, it seems like the president just can’t keep his story straight. Accusations of corruption have been swirling around the Biden family for years, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that Biden has been lying to the American people all along.

For starters, Biden denied that his son Hunter received any money from China, but the Washington Post has now declared that claim to be “manifestly untrue.” It’s astonishing that Biden would boldly lie to the public about something that can be easily fact-checked. This raises serious doubts about his credibility and integrity.

Furthermore, evidence from Hunter Biden’s former business associate, Devon Archer, confirms that Joe Biden was not only aware of his son’s business dealings but also actively participated in them. Archer revealed that Biden had dinner with him and other business associates, including a representative from a Ukrainian energy company. This directly contradicts Biden’s repeated denials of any involvement or knowledge.

What’s even more alarming is Biden’s use of his White House staffers to perpetuate these lies. He has allowed his staff to repeat his denials and oppose any further investigation into the corruption scandal. This behavior is not only deceptive but also raises questions about Biden’s ethics and integrity as a leader.

It’s ironic that special counsel Jack Smith cited guilt by implication or association as a legal standard against former President Donald Trump, but the same standard could now come back to haunt Biden. If knowingly lying to the public can be considered a criminal matter for Trump, then why not for Biden?

The revelations surrounding the Biden family’s corruption scandal cannot be ignored. This is not a simple case of misinformation or misunderstanding. It is a deliberate attempt by the president to hide the truth and protect his own interests. The American people deserve transparency and honesty from their leaders, and it’s clear that Biden is failing to meet this standard. It’s time for a thorough investigation into the Biden family’s dealings, and if necessary, impeachment inquiries. The truth must prevail, no matter how personal or uncomfortable it may be for Biden.

Written by Staff Reports

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