
Biden Pours $3B Into CA’s Bottomless Money Pit Train!

The Biden administration has opted to inject an additional $3 billion into California's seemingly interminable "train to nowhere" initiative, much to the chagrin of critics who vehemently denounce it as an enormous squandering of taxpayer funds.

President Biden proudly announced the earmarking of funds for the high-speed train in California's Central Valley, alongside nine other passenger rail projects, amassing an astonishing total of $8.2 billion. The White House asserts that this substantial $3.07 billion investment will be directed towards the Bakersfield to Merced rail line, coupled with the construction of an upscale new station in Fresno.

As per the detailed White House statement, this 171-mile rail corridor vows to facilitate high-speed travel reaching an impressive 220 mph. Proponents argue that it will enhance connectivity, broaden travel alternatives, and offer more frequent passenger rail service from the Central Valley to urban hubs in northern and Southern California. The statement highlights the deployment of all-electric trainsets designed to produce zero emissions, powered entirely by renewable energy. Moreover, the project purportedly benefits freight rail operations across California by segregating passenger and freight lines. Adding to the appeal, the initiative has already generated over 11,000 union construction jobs, with a commitment to utilizing union labor for ongoing operations and maintenance.

What the White House neglects to address is the staggering misfortune this project has endured since its inception in 2008. Originally conceived as a $33 billion venture spanning 1,955 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles, the cost has skyrocketed to an eye-watering $113 billion. The grandiose plans have been drastically scaled down to a mere 171-mile railway linking Bakersfield, Fresno, and Merced, with an anticipated operational date as late as 2030.

This entire fiasco has taken on a life of its own, earning derisive monikers such as the "train to nowhere" from critics. Representative Doug LaMalfa (R-CA) has expressed his disdain, deeming it "far too much taxpayer dollars wasted on this boondoggle." He contends that terminating this imprudent project and minimizing losses would be in the best interest of everyone involved.

LaMalfa's sentiments are not isolated, as numerous others share their outrage over the exorbitant expenditure on a train that appears to be making no substantial progress. The prevailing sentiment is that this purported high-speed rail initiative is merely a largesse to labor unions and an egregious misuse of hard-earned taxpayer money.

Written by Staff Reports

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