
Biden Pushes Platitudes and Nostalgia at Democratic National Convention

The Democratic National Convention has rolled out once again, and guess who took center stage on the opening night? President Joe Biden, the man who still seems to believe his father’s heartwarming sayings could solve all of America’s issues. This time, he placed a spotlight on Vice President Kamala Harris as she races to seal the deal as the party’s nominee. The President made a grand proclamation about the necessity of preserving “democracy” — the kind of platitude that’s become the Democrats’ bread and butter.

Biden, with an epic flair for nostalgia, dredged up a family motto to deliver his riveting message of love for America. He chimed in about family being everything, which is ironic coming from a leader who seems to let family ties mingle awkwardly with political power. He promptly followed this nostalgic trip down memory lane with what sounded suspiciously like a campaign rallying cry, urging everyone to vote to preserve what he dubs “freedom” — a euphemism often tossed around by those craving to avoid discussing their own party’s more authoritarian tendencies.

Of course, COVID-19 is no longer an oppressive presence in Biden’s world, at least according to him. The economic recovery mentioned was filled with hopeful declarations of wages rising and inflation dwindling. Yet, anyone who’s been keeping an eye on the grocery aisle — or gas prices for that matter — can spot the discrepancies between Biden’s claims and real life. His grand claim that COVID-19 “no longer controls our lives” seems to ignore the continued disruptions to everyday Americans’ routines.

Then Biden played the sympathy card, stating he loves his “job” but “loves his country more” — a classic move from the political playbook that suggests he’s not keen on playing the role of the incompetent leader who has placed the nation into an economic whirlpool. His 50-minute diatribe was peppered with self-congratulations, including a push for everyone to chant their love for him. The highlights of this political love fest also included blatant digs at Donald Trump, which have become a staple for Democrat rhetoric as they circle around like vultures hoping to feast on discontent.

As the convention’s curtain drew to a close, Representative Jim Clyburn contributed his own round of applause for Biden, claiming that Trump “mismanaged” COVID-19 and that he was somehow the savior of all that’s good and holy in the United States. He lauded Biden’s choice of Harris, seemingly ignoring the growing concerns about her effectiveness. At the end of the day, this convention showcased more of the same: lofty promises, political bickering, and a veiled disdain for those who dared to voice dissent. The strains of “We love Joe” echoed into the night as the DNC soldiered on, evidently unaware that their appeal may not resonate quite as broadly as they hope.

Written by Staff Reports

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