
Biden Set to Make ‘Biggest’ Mistake in Border Battle, Warns Abbott

Joe Biden is finding himself in yet another sticky situation. This time, it’s regarding the crisis at the southern border and his standoff with Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott. Democrats like Beto O’Rourke are urging Biden to take control of the Texas National Guard if Abbott continues construction at the border. However, Abbott thinks it would be a massive “political blunder” if Biden were to nationalize the guard.

Abbott appeared on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News and expressed his belief that securing the border is the number one issue in America. He doesn’t think Biden has the guts to federalize the Texas National Guard and would be shocked if he did. Abbott even called it a boneheaded move and a total disaster. But if Biden does make such a move, Abbott assured that he is prepared. He has other armed law enforcement personnel and reinforcements from other states ready to defend the border.

Abbott’s defiance has garnered support from several Republican governors who are also standing against the Biden administration. In his interview with Hannity, Abbott thanked these governors and claimed that half of America is now against the Biden administration. Abbott firmly believes that Texas has every constitutional right to defend itself against invasion and that the state will be vindicated when all is said and done. He sees this as an opportunity to strengthen the Constitution.

The standoff between Abbott and Biden continues to escalate, and it remains to be seen what Biden’s next move will be. But one thing is for sure, Texas is not backing down. Abbott is standing his ground, ready to defend the border no matter what. It’s a battle of wills, and Abbott is determined to come out on top. Biden may have blundered himself into this situation, but Abbott is up for the challenge. Let the games begin.

Written by Staff Reports

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