
Biden Stands Firm Amid Growing Calls to Drop Out After Debate Gaffe

Joe Biden is standing firm, refusing to bow out of the presidential race, despite last week’s debate debacle throwing his mental and physical fitness into the spotlight. Curious that is, given the increasing chorus of voices calling for him to step aside. And it’s not just the usual suspects like displeased donors or grumbling Democrat lawmakers this time. Even the liberal media, once his steadfast defenders, seem to be waking up to reality.

Take The Economist, for instance. Its latest cover features a walker adorned with the presidential seal—a visual jab that all but shouts Biden is no more equipped to run a country than a toddler is to drive a car. Their editorial board didn’t mince words either, labeling Biden as “unfit” for the presidency. The piece dissected his disoriented debate performance, highlighting his struggle to string sentences together and remember basic facts. The campaign’s attempt to deny the obvious only made matters worse, breeding more contempt than sympathy. 


The editorial further argued that while Democrats are right to deem Trump unfit for the presidency, Biden’s recent performance proves he is equally unfit. His occasional bursts of scripted dynamism can’t hide his mental decline, they say. Crucially, the editorial warned that a superpower cannot be run by an autocue—something conservatives have been saying for years. After all, pausing the world to cater to a president’s “bad night” is hardly an option.

In a biting rhetorical flourish, The Economist editorial questioned whether someone who stumbles over a sentence about Medicare could be trusted with something as critical as the nuclear codes. This sentiment is rightfully spreading through the media landscape like wildfire, making waves in The New York Times, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and the Boston Globe.

It’s almost comedic to see this awakening, considering how glaring these issues have been for the past four years. Yet here we are, watching the liberal media, the same folks who’ve shielded Biden, suddenly deciding to drop the act. Late to the party, but hey, at least they showed up. This entire episode serves as a cautionary tale: the facade can only be kept up for so long before reality barges in, no matter how elaborate the charade.

Written by Staff Reports

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