
Biden Stumbles at Hollywood Fundraiser Needing Obama’s Assist

At a recent fundraiser in Los Angeles, Joe Biden faced another embarrassing moment that required Barack Obama to step in and assist. The fundraiser, hosted by George Clooney and Julia Roberts, aimed to attract donors with ticket prices reaching up to $500,000. Despite the star-studded lineup, Biden struggled to hold his own during his speech.

During his address, Biden launched into a tirade against the Supreme Court, claiming it has never been so “out of kilter” and “out of step.” This attack on the judicial branch is unprecedented and reveals Biden’s disregard for the balance of powers in our government. His criticism of Justice Samuel Alito further underscores his disrespect for the judiciary. 


As a conservative, it is concerning to witness a presidential candidate openly attack a branch of government simply because he disagrees with its decisions. Biden’s behavior at the fundraiser raises serious questions about his fitness for office and his commitment to upholding the Constitution. It is evident that Biden lacks the temperament and restraint required of a leader.

The fact that Obama had to physically guide Biden off the stage is alarming. This display of confusion and disorientation is not befitting of a potential president. As conservatives, we must hold our leaders to a higher standard and demand clarity and coherence from those who seek to represent our nation. Biden’s continued gaffes and lapses only serve to highlight his unsuitability for the presidency.

In light of these concerning incidents, it is crucial for voters to carefully consider the implications of electing a candidate who struggles to articulate coherent thoughts and relies on others to salvage his public appearances. The future of our country depends on choosing a leader who can effectively govern and uphold the principles that make America great.

Written by Staff Reports

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