
Biden’s Approval Plummets: 33% Disaster Spells 2024 Doom

President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have hit a new low, sinking to a paltry 33 percent. This is a significant drop from the start of 2023 and a whopping 21 points lower than when he first entered the Oval Office. It seems that voters are less than impressed with the way the president has been handling matters like the border crisis, economic policy, international conflicts, working with Congress, or bringing the nation together.

With the 2024 election looming, this downward trend in Biden’s approval is definitely not what the president was hoping for. In fact, he’s reportedly becoming “increasingly frustrated” with his team for not being able to fix the unfixable. According to reports, Biden expressed his dissatisfaction with his dwindling poll numbers during an annual White House event, lamenting that his economic message hasn’t been effective in turning the tide, despite the growing economy and falling unemployment rates.

Not only is Biden feeling the heat, but his frustration is shared by First Lady Jill Biden, as they both have voiced their dismay over the president’s low approval ratings. The chaos at the border, global threats to freedom, and the soaring prices coupled with falling real wages have all contributed to the public’s discontent with Biden’s performance.

It’s no surprise that the president’s attempts to spin a rosy picture of the current situation have fallen flat. Americans aren’t buying into the narrative that everything is going swimmingly under Biden’s leadership. Even the president, who often appears unsure of his surroundings, is acutely aware of the mounting problem with his polls. The fact that Democrats are now grappling with the implications for their own electoral prospects is a clear sign that Biden’s declining popularity is causing worry among his own party.

Moreover, concerns about Biden’s age are adding to the mix, with a majority of Democrats expressing unease about his advanced years compared to those of his potential opponent. Recent polls have shown Biden trailing behind former President Donald Trump in key battleground states, where he narrowly clinched victory in the 2020 election.

The bottom line is that, despite the efforts of Biden’s allies to downplay the significance of these polls, the president’s frustration speaks volumes about the anxiety within the White House and his re-election campaign. It seems like things are getting a bit tense for Team Biden as they grapple with an uphill battle to salvage the president’s standing with the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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