
Biden’s Asylum Blunder Blocked: Sanity Prevails in Court Ruling

A federal magistrate has temporarily put a stop to President Biden's misguided policy on migrants. It prevents those who enter the US without seeking protection from seeking asylum. This common-sense approach aims to discourage people from abusing the system and prioritize those in need.

Some of the groups that sued the government over the policy claimed that it was unconstitutional. Among those who sued were the American Civil Rights Union, the National Immigration Justice Center, and UC Hastings. They stated that the policy violated Congress' intent.

The activists were finally put in their rightful place after Jon Tigar, a judge from Northern California, ruled that the DACA policy is legal and aligns with Congress' intentions.

According to Judge Tigar, the policy was established in line with the Trump administration's previous asylum bans, which only applied to non-Mexicans. This sensible approach is intended to deter people from trying to manipulate the system.

The Biden administration was not able to handle the criticism that came with the ruling. In response, Alejandro Mayorkas, the DHS Secretary, stated that the rule was perfectly legal.

Although the ruling doesn't immediately affect the policy, it sends a strong message to the administration that it should stop its open border policies. The comments made by Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas about the consequences of unlawful entry are meaningless if the government continues to ignore the situation at the Southern border.

It's time to start addressing the illegal immigration crisis in the US. The Biden administration has been accused of giving migrants and smugglers a free pass to abuse the system.

It's time for leaders who prioritize the well-being of Americans and the safety of their citizens to step up and address the immigration issues that are affecting the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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