
Biden’s Blunder: Ignoring Hamas Crisis for Student Debt & Tax Hikes

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. has once again shown his complete lack of awareness and incompetence during the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. As American citizens are killed and captured by Hamas terrorists, Biden finds it appropriate to make tone-deaf posts that only amplify his cluelessness.

To make matters worse, the White House Press Office decided to close up shop early, essentially saying, “We have nothing to say” while the crisis intensifies. This is not the leadership our nation needs in a time of turmoil.

Instead of addressing the grave situation at hand, President Biden decided it was more important to post about his precious “student debt relief” plan. This policy is nothing more than a handout to irresponsible borrowers, with hardworking taxpayers footing the bill. It’s no surprise that conservatives have condemned this plan.

Rather than offering condolences or solutions, Biden’s response was met with rightful criticism from Kristopher J. Anderson of Turning Point Action, who pointed out the Democrats’ funding of attacks on Israel. Other commenters expressed their disdain, calling Biden “disgusting” and a failure as president.

But Biden didn’t stop there. He continued his off-topic tweeting spree by declaring himself a capitalist and proposing higher taxes for billionaires. While this may seem like a noble notion, his timing couldn’t be worse. Scott Pressler rightly questioned Biden’s priorities, asking how much Iran pays in return for the $6 billion gift Biden bestowed upon them. Even WCBM Host Kimberly Klacik thought Biden’s tweets were a parody.

In another post, Biden smugly touted the cancellation of $127 billion in student debt. Yet, as former Congresswoman Mayra Flores pointed out, he conveniently forgot to mention the $6 billion sent to Iran. Conservative talk show host Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo criticized Biden for putting future generations further into debt while unfreezing funds for a known enemy.

It’s clear that Biden is completely out of touch with the American people. TheDeplorableVeteran put it best, saying, “No one gives a f**k about student loan debt right now. Read the room.” Instead of addressing the pressing issues at hand, Biden chose to focus on his own pet projects.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Biden shared an edited video bragging about creating 336,000 “new” jobs. Economist E.J. Antoni, Ph.D., quickly pointed out that an increase in payrolls does not equate to new job opportunities. It seems Biden fundamentally misunderstands the jobs report.

In the midst of this conflict, one has to wonder if Biden counts new Hamas recruits as the jobs he supposedly created. With his lack of leadership and inability to prioritize the safety and well-being of Americans, it’s no wonder conservatives are left scratching their heads at his unbelievable incompetence.

Written by Staff Reports

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