
Biden’s Boomerangs: Son Dodges Congress, Echoes Dad’s Past Problems

President Joe Biden is known for his tough stance on defying congressional subpoenas, but now the tables have turned as his own son, Hunter Biden, has flagrantly ignored a House of Representatives subpoena. Two years ago, Biden advocated for criminal prosecution of those who defied congressional subpoenas, specifically targeting supporters of former president Donald Trump. At that time, he was referring to those who were being sought by the House committee investigating the Capitol incursion on January 6, 2021.

During a press conference on October 15, 2021, a reporter asked Biden about his message to people who defy congressional subpoenas from the January 6 committee. Biden responded emphatically, stating that he hopes the committee goes after them and holds them accountable criminally. When asked if they should be prosecuted by the Justice Department, Biden replied with a resounding “Yes.” This statement from the president has now come back to haunt him as his own son, Hunter Biden, has chosen to ignore a House of Representatives subpoena.

Hunter was supposed to be deposed before the House Oversight and Judiciary committees to answer questions about an alleged influence-peddling scheme involving his father. Instead of complying with the subpoena, Hunter held a news conference outside the Capitol. In response to his defiance, House Oversight Chairman James Comer and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan announced contempt of Congress proceedings against him. They made it clear that Hunter Biden would not receive special treatment simply because of his last name. Many people expressed frustration with the idea that the president’s son might escape punishment, while others pointed out the case of Steve Bannon, a former Trump White House adviser who was sentenced to four years in jail for contempt of Congress.

The House has also launched an impeachment inquiry of President Biden, with Comer and Jordan stating that he and his family must be held accountable for their corruption and obstruction. The House Oversight Committee has compiled a “Bidens’ Influence-Peddling Timeline” on its website, which contains a mountain of circumstantial evidence suggesting that Joe Biden abused his power and profited from lucrative deals arranged by Hunter Biden with foreign entities during his time as vice president. The committee’s records, obtained through subpoenas, reveal that the Bidens and their associates have received over $20 million in payments from foreign entities.

Many people have pointed out the hypocrisy of the situation, questioning whether the Democrats would waste any time prosecuting the Trump family if they had similar evidence against them. The future of The Western Journal, the news outlet reporting this story, is at risk due to the efforts of Silicon Valley and Big Tech to shut it down, but they continue to fight for truth and accuracy in their journalism.

Written by Staff Reports

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