
Biden’s Border Blunder: 12K Illegals Flood in One Day!

In a bombshell report from Fox News, it was revealed that Tuesday marked a monumental surge in illegal border crossings from Mexico into the United States. The network’s correspondent, Bill Melugin, disclosed that a staggering 12,000 individuals made their way into the country in a single day. This unprecedented influx underscores the ongoing crisis at the southern border, a crisis that has thrived under the Biden administration’s feeble leadership.

Melugin underscored the gravity of this situation, revealing that the number of apprehensions by Border Patrol reached more than 10,200, a record-breaking figure that further illuminates the mayhem at the border. To put this into perspective, even Jeh Johnson, the former Department of Homeland Security Secretary under President Obama, once deemed 4,000 border crossings in a day to be a “crisis.” Yet, under President Biden’s failed policies, the nation is now grappling with an astronomical 12,000-plus migrant encounters in a single day.

The dire reality of the border crisis was laid bare as Melugin highlighted a Fox News clip capturing the influx of illegal migrants crossing into Arizona. The footage depicted scores of adult men from various corners of the globe brazenly entering the country, fully expecting to be released into the United States. Shockingly, among these individuals were men from war-torn Syria, raising concerns about national security and the potential entry of individuals with nefarious intentions.

This distressing report only adds to the staggering tally of over 6.5 million border crossers encountered by CBP since President Biden assumed office in January 2021. However, this figure fails to capture the estimated 1.5 million individuals who have evaded apprehension while illicitly entering the country. The border crisis under the Biden administration’s watch has reached a catastrophic point, imperiling national security and straining the country’s resources.

This alarming surge in illegal border crossings serves as a stark indictment of the Biden administration’s failed immigration policies. It is imperative that action be taken to secure the nation’s borders and safeguard its sovereignty. The harrowing reality unfolding at the southern border demands immediate attention and resolute measures to stem the tide of illegal immigration, protect national security, and uphold the rule of law.

Written by Staff Reports

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