
Biden’s divisive race remarks at Philly school show desperation to cling to power

President Joe Biden’s recent divisive remarks accusing former President Donald Trump of inciting violence against black Americans are unacceptable. By playing the race card and trying to stoke racial tensions, Biden is failing to bring the country together. His inflammatory comments at a black preparatory school in Philadelphia show just how desperate he is to hold onto power.

It’s important to remember that actions speak louder than words. While Biden is quick to criticize Trump’s response to the Capitol riot on January 6th, he conveniently ignores the violence and destruction that occurred during the 2020 BLM protests. The damage caused by those riots far exceeded what happened at the Capitol, yet Biden chooses to focus on painting Trump as a villain.

Furthermore, Biden’s attempt to portray America as a racially discriminatory country based on incidents from over five decades ago is disingenuous. Trump has a track record of real estate success without evidence of racial bias, yet Biden continues to push false narratives to fit his agenda. The fact that Biden is willing to divide the country along racial lines for his own gain is troubling.

It is clear that Biden is not interested in uniting the country or working towards true equality. His divisive rhetoric and race-baiting tactics only serve to further polarize Americans. Rather than fostering understanding and cooperation, Biden’s words incite hatred and distrust among fellow citizens. It is imperative for Americans to see through Biden’s manipulative tactics and strive for unity based on shared values and principles.

In conclusion, Biden’s recent behavior demonstrates a lack of moral integrity and a disregard for the greater good of the nation. His actions are driven by a thirst for power at any cost, even if it means tearing the country apart. Americans must remain vigilant against such divisive tactics and work towards a future where unity and respect prevail over political manipulation.

Written by Staff Reports

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