
Biden’s Email Scandal Explodes: Smokescreen and a ‘Hunter’ on the Loose!

Democrats in Congress are up to their tricks again, and this time they’re trying to cover for old Uncle Joe Biden and his shady email shenanigans! House Oversight Committee James Comer (R-Ky.) is hot on the trail of President Biden’s secret emails, and boy, does he have a bone to pick with those sneaky Democrats in charge. It turns out ol’ Joe used not one, not two, but THREE different fake names – “robinware456,” “JRBware,” and “RobertLPeters” – to send a whopping 82,000 pages worth of emails between 2010 and 2019. 

But here’s the kicker: the White House has only released a measly 14 pages of these emails to the public. That’s like opening a present and finding a single, sad sock inside. Comer is fuming, and he’s not afraid to say it. He’s been hounding the National Archives for months to cough up the unredacted records, but the Democrats are playing hardball. They’re stonewalling like there’s no tomorrow. And what they have released? Well, according to Comer, it’s just a bunch of “junk emails.” 

It turns out that some of these emails were used as evidence in an indictment against Hunter Biden for tax evasion. That’s right, ol’ Joe’s fake-named emails might be the smoking gun in a real-life Biden family drama. And don’t even get Comer started on Hunter. That guy flouted a congressional subpoena and then had the nerve to demand a public hearing. Comer’s not having any of it, though. He’s ready to slap Hunter with a contempt of Congress charge faster than you can say “cover-up.”

And just when you think it couldn’t get any juicier, Comer drops the bombshell that he’s also gunning for depositions from “all of Hunter’s business associates” and some classified documents scandal involving Joe. 

Written by Staff Reports

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