
Biden’s Executive Action on Immigration Sparks GOP Anger

In a move that has Republicans seeing red, President Biden has unveiled his latest executive action allowing certain non-citizens to apply for permanent residence in the U.S. without congressional approval. House Speaker Mike Johnson wasted no time in criticizing the move, accusing Biden of trying to play both sides of the immigration debate by cracking down on the border while simultaneously granting amnesty to illegal aliens.

Johnson didn’t mince his words, labeling Biden’s actions as nothing more than a political ploy to win over voters. He argued that the executive action would only serve to encourage more illegal immigration, putting the safety of Americans at risk. Furthermore, Johnson pointed out that the move is a clear indication of the Democrats’ agenda to convert illegal aliens into potential voters, a move that he believes goes against the Immigration and Naturalization Act.

The White House, on the other hand, defended the executive action, stating that it aims to assist the spouses and children of U.S. citizens in obtaining lawful permanent residence status. According to a fact sheet released by the White House, the new process will benefit hundreds of thousands of noncitizen spouses and tens of thousands of noncitizen children, providing them with a path toward legal residency without the need to leave the country.

Despite Biden’s efforts to streamline the immigration process for certain individuals, it is clear that his actions have sparked outrage among conservatives who view his executive action as a reckless move that will only serve to exacerbate the illegal immigration crisis. With Johnson already predicting that the measure will face legal challenges and likely be struck down in the courts, it seems that Biden’s latest immigration policy is set to face an uphill battle in the fight for approval.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden’s Executive Action on Immigration Sparks GOP Anger