A recent analysis released by the Wall Street Journal has waved a rather crimson flag regarding President Biden’s economic policies. Reports indicate that his generous hand-wringing resulted in a veritable windfall for Iran, with the nation raking in upwards of $35 billion due to relaxed sanctions on its oil sales. The idea that handing the mullahs a financial boost will somehow rein in their less-than-hospitable behaviors is as laughable as thinking that giving a raccoon access to your kitchen will lead to cleaner countertops.
Such a drastic increase in revenue for Iran comes courtesy of a White House more interested in sticking to its ideological guns than in dealing with reality. Those earnest pledges to promote democracy and human rights in the Middle East seem to have evaporated like morning dew on a hot summer day. One can’t help but chuckle at the irony of a President who touts himself as the world’s defender of democracy, simultaneously filling the coffers of a regime that practically laughs in the face of such values.
Meanwhile, Washington’s power players are engaged in their usual high-volume theatrics. One cannot miss Colorado Senator Michael Bennet’s recent outburst during committee hearings that bordered on overacting worthy of a summer blockbuster. His vocal stylings seem to be competing not just with his peers but with the infamous melodrama of daytime soap operas. As he raised his decibel level to near rock concert levels, one had to wonder if he was trying to shatter glass while making a point about park funding. Spoiler alert: it didn’t work. Just another incident where a Democrat, much like a runaway bus, runs off the rails of logic and decorum.
Of course, amidst these various comedic performances comes the standard Democratic dogma around climate change. Senator Ed Markey’s insistence that the recent blazes in Los Angeles result from climate change, despite emerging reports about arson, paints a picture of a party that has mastered the art of sticking to a script—regardless of evolving facts. It’s a twist worthy of any well-crafted fiction where the villains remain villains, no matter how many plot holes emerge. The painted backdrop of alarmism collapses when real-world evidence comes into play, and Democrats seem determined to cling to their narratives, much like kids coveting a half-eaten candy bar.
Day 3: Trump Cabinet Nominees Face Off Against Senatorshttps://t.co/2z2aPcYqRG
— PJ Media (@PJMedia_com) January 16, 2025
In a twist of unfortunate comic timing, Senator Ron Wyden stepped up with discussions on fossil fuels, which might draw some eye rolls, especially given many citizens view him as yesterday’s news. If only that energy could be directed toward meaningful debates around excessive regulation and government overspending, terms that would make even a seasoned budget hawk cringe. The fact that such realities are ignored while they stack on new taxes seems almost cartoonish, but it’s the inconvenient truth of the Biden regime.
It’s almost as if the Democrats have graduated from the School of Fail and perfected the art of hypocrisy. After years of enacting policies that led to needless suffering for everyday Americans, they now revel in their role as the supposed champions of the common man. The sheer audacity of their self-righteousness could make one wonder whether the party has lost all touch with reality or just an abundance of self-awareness that was lost somewhere between two bipartisan tantrums. In the grand scheme of things, their policies are shaping up to be tragicomedy at its finest—with most of the punchlines carved from the American taxpayer’s wallet.