
Biden’s Serial Lies and Left-Wing Media’s Dangerous Agenda

Riots, ghettos, illegal immigrants everywhere, rampant crime, and a president who is nuttier than squirrel droppings. How did we allow this?

It is downright bizarre to have a president who pretends he is Puerto Rican and claims his uncle was eaten by cannibals. But that’s exactly what we have now. The mainstream media, or as I like to call them, the Pravda press, is doing its best to shield the truth from us. But let’s face it, anyone with half a brain can see that this president’s mind has gone fishing.

Let’s talk about Biden’s lies for a moment. He didn’t “put NATO together” and never drove a truck. He didn’t attend civil rights events and was never a coal miner. Yet, the mainstream news outlets conveniently ignore these facts and refuse to call Biden out on his serial lying.

But why? Well, it all goes back to the communist playbook. One of the goals of communism is to infiltrate the press and get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, and policymaking positions. And boy, have they succeeded. The liberal media is filled with left-wing ideologues who will do anything to protect their beloved leaders, even if it means turning a blind eye to their lies.

Speaking of lies, let’s not forget about President Shartzhispants and his crime family’s cozy relationship with China. While the few liberals who still talk to me remain oblivious to this fact, President Trump has been battling legal battles left and right, trying to expose the corruption. But do we hear about it in the mainstream media? Of course not. Instead, they focus on trivial matters while the real criminals walk free.

But that’s not all that’s abnormal in our country today. How about the latest California bill that allows schools to cut off a teenage boy’s you-know-what just because he thinks he’s a girl? And to make matters worse, these schools are keeping it a secret from the parents. It’s a direct attack on the family unit, one of the core principles of our society. But the left doesn’t care about that. They want to raise children away from the influence of parents and attribute any disagreements to suppressive parenting.

And let’s not forget about the ridiculous lockdown measures imposed by power-hungry bureaucrats. They shut down our entire nation for a virus with a survivability rate of over 99%. And if that wasn’t enough, they had us wearing face masks even in swimming pools. It’s insanity, but we followed along like obedient sheep.

I believe all of this madness started when leftist mayors allowed Marxist street animals to burn buildings, attack police officers, and turn our cities into crime-ridden ghettos. They watched as businesses left and did nothing to stop the chaos. It’s all part of their plan to create a Marxist society, and it’s working. Meanwhile, we’re busy arguing on Facebook about where a mentally ill man in a skirt should use the bathroom. Talk about misplaced priorities.

And speaking of misplaced priorities, it’s disturbing to see the rise of anti-Semitism on college campuses across the country. We’ve come a long way from the days of fighting against anti-Semitism in 1938 Berlin. But now, it’s considered normal for students to harass Jewish individuals without any consequences. If it were the other way around, the news would be all over it. But when it’s the rich kids doing it, the media conveniently falls silent.

Let’s not forget about the election. It was far from normal to have five swing states stop counting ballots at almost the same time on Election Day. But did anyone do anything about it? Sadly, very few took action. And now, the anarchists have learned that burning down cities is considered “normal.” They’ve been given a free pass to unleash chaos and destruction upon us. 


And let’s not even get started on the near-assassination of President Trump. The same FBI that was supposed to protect him was investigating him instead. They even doctored photos of alleged classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. It’s mind-boggling. The head of the Secret Service, Kim Cheatle, should be out of a job or behind bars, but she’s still getting paid. I guess as long as Trump is alive, her work isn’t done.

But perhaps the greatest abnormality we face is the constant push to create a “new normal” that aligns with Marxist ideology. They want to break down cultural standards of morality, promote pornography and obscenity, and present homosexuality and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.” They want to defund the police and replace them with social workers, treating behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders.

The Marxists are counting on us to accept all of this as the “new normal.” But I say, let’s not surrender to their agenda. We must stand up and say no to their attempts to fundamentally change our great nation. We have their pinko playbook, and it’s time to expose their tactics and fight back. Marxism will never be normal in America.

Written by Staff Reports

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