
Biden’s State Dept Sideswiped by Petty Concerns Amid World War III Threats!

In a bizarre move by the State Department, they decided to divert their attention away from the pressing Israel-Hamas war and instead focus on celebrating “Intersex Awareness Day.” Talk about priorities! State Department spokesman, Matthew Miller, proudly proclaimed the United States’ commitment to promoting and protecting the rights of Intersex persons globally. Seriously, don’t we have more important things to worry about, like the Americans still being held hostage in Gaza?

It’s clear that the Biden administration is more concerned with pushing their radical LGBTQ+ agenda than addressing crucial issues like national security and the safety of American citizens. While they claim to fight against discrimination, they fail to recognize that Intersex individuals only make up a minuscule percentage of the population. Even physician and psychologist Leonard Sax argues that the true percentage is closer to 0.018 percent. So why is the State Department wasting time and resources on such a small group?

Instead of focusing on these dubious statistics, the State Department should be directing their efforts towards solving the real crises that are plaguing our world. It’s infuriating to see them prioritize a politically correct agenda over the well-being of American citizens and our allies.

This is just another example of the Biden administration’s misplaced priorities and their disregard for the pressing issues facing our nation and the international community. It’s time they start focusing on what truly matters and put an end to these unnecessary distractions.

Written by Staff Reports

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