
Biden’s Vacation Marathon Raises Questions Amid Soaring Inflation and Border Crisis

President Joe Biden’s vacation habits leave little to the imagination and even less to be desired, especially for Americans grappling with soaring inflation and a border that resembles a revolving door. A recent report reveals that Biden has spent an astonishing 40.3 percent of his time in office kicking back and relaxing, neglecting the pressing issues facing the nation. While hard-working Americans scrimp and save, their commander-in-chief has been enjoying the sand, surf, and sun—often without a care in the world.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) Research team highlighted this glaring disparity with a video of Biden seemingly in paradise at the beach, chatting away on his phone while beachgoers casually strolled by. Weekend warriors across the nation must be wondering who exactly is at the helm while the president is seemingly on hold, contemplating sunscreen instead of the economy. The RNC didn’t mince words when they pointed out that Biden’s latest beach bonanza marks his 16th consecutive day of vacation, bringing his total to a staggering 532 days overall. The question on everyone’s mind: Who’s running the country when the leader isn’t even on the clock?

Social media has lit up with commentary on Biden’s vacation lifestyle, with users astutely noting that the same folks who “run” the administration during his “on” time are also managing things while he’s off soaking in the sun. It’s almost a comedic irony that while the nation suffers in silence, Biden opts for a sun-kissed reprieve that would make any sensible American cringe. After all, the president is supposed to be in charge, not choosing between beach towels and flip-flops.

This isn’t just a few days spent on holiday; it’s a staggering amount of time compared to previous presidents. For context, former President Donald Trump, the oft-maligned golfing enthusiast, only spent about 26 percent of his presidency on personal trips. Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama wielded their time off like badges of honor, taking vacations during roughly 11 percent of their tenures. And let’s not forget Jimmy Carter, who managed to clock a mere 79 days off during his single term in office. For Biden, those numbers seem like quaint relics of a bygone era of presidential responsibility.

The numbers continue to pile up, with Biden recently taking his 49th trip to his home state of Delaware and setting a new record with 150 days spent there since his election. And these excursions don’t even count additional vacations to Nantucket and Kiawah Island—trips that would make an average American weep into their budget spreadsheets. The message being conveyed is clear: while Americans are battling rising costs and economic uncertainty, their president is enjoying a round of leisure activity, igniting real questions about his capability to serve effectively. A recent CBS News/YouGov poll corroborates these concerns, showing that 72 percent of voters doubt Biden’s mental and cognitive fitness for the presidency. The troubling takeaway: many Americans are left wondering who’s really in charge if their leader is spending so much time on vacation.

Written by Staff Reports

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