
Harris-Walz Campaign Blames Trump for Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

The Harris-Walz campaign has taken a page out of the blame game playbook, attempting to pin the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal squarely on former President Donald Trump. This is particularly remarkable given that the chaotic exit transpired seven months after Trump vacated the Oval Office. Harris’s camp recently claimed that the former president left the Biden-Harris administration with nothing but chaos and confusion instead of a plan for an orderly withdrawal. The audacity is staggering, as if to suggest that rolling up a foreign involvement dating back two decades was as easy as wrapping up a summer picnic.

The reality is that Trump initiated negotiations with the Taliban and struck a deal, albeit incomplete when he departed. The ensuing disaster can be traced directly back to President Biden deciding to pull out all U.S. troops against the astute counsel of his military advisors. Amidst this poorly executed strategy, the Taliban reared back to reclaim Kabul just as the world was wrapping up its summer blockbusters. The sight of desperate Americans and Afghan allies clamoring for evacuation was the plot twist no one saw coming—except for perhaps anyone not wearing rose-colored glasses in the current administration.

Once the Biden administration ordered the withdrawal, American troops found themselves heroically executing a massive evacuation effort from an airport resembling a makeshift fortress, all while surrounded by the Taliban. Talk about having the worst seats in the house for a military disaster. The harrowing final days of the evacuation saw a suicide bomber penetrate the throngs of fearful individuals desperately seeking safety, resulting in the tragic loss of 13 U.S. service members. The only semblance of accountability seen from the administration has been in the form of rhetorical flourishes about having “no regrets” from Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, while the mess plays out like a poorly-scripted reality show.

In a jaw-dropping twist, after participating in an event to honor those fallen service members, Trump was fingered by the Harris campaign for allegedly politicizing the tragic withdrawal. Ironically, the families present had invited Trump to commemorate their loved ones, and many rebuked the Harris-Walz campaign’s criticisms with fierce indignation. Perhaps the campaign should have taken notes from the families on how to honor sacrifice without losing the plot with partisan nonsense.

Morgan Finkelstein, the campaign’s national security spokesperson, responded to the backlash by insisting that Trump is merely attempting to divert attention from his own purported failures regarding U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. But let’s face it; when one party bungles the narrative so spectacularly while in charge, pointing fingers backward appears desperate at best. National security experts and analysts are left scratching their heads as they attempt to make sense of Harris’s baffling assertions. Meanwhile, Republican strategist Jason Miller has pointed out that Harris proudly claimed to be the “last person in the room” when Biden made the call to withdraw troops, raising serious questions about her current attempt to deflect responsibility.

In the end, this bizarre blame-shifting only illustrates how far the current administration is willing to go to escape accountability for its high-stakes blunders. If mistakes were currency, the Biden-Harris team would be billionaires, and the attempt to paint Trump as the bogeyman in this narrative is simply another round in the exhausting game of political dodgeball.

Written by Staff Reports

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