
Biden’s “Victory” Barely Budges Needle in Michigan Melee!

White House Reporter Naomi Lim from the Washington Examiner recently chatted with Magazine Executive Editor Jim Antle about the latest primary shenanigans in Michigan. Yeah, you heard it right – those Dems are at it again! So, what’s the scoop, you ask? Well, it turns out that ol’ Joe Biden managed to snag the primary win, but get this – he only got a measly percentage of the vote. Typical, am I right?

But, hold on to your MAGA hats, folks, ’cause here’s the real kicker – the number of raw votes might actually make a big difference in the upcoming general election. Can you believe it? It’s like the Dems are pulling out all the stops to secure a win. And to top it all off, it looks like we’re seeing a repeat of the 2016 circus. The dynamics from back then are making a comeback, and it’s giving us conservatives a good laugh.

We all know that Sleepy Joe isn’t exactly the talk of the town, but here he is, trying to flex his muscles in the primaries. But hey, who are we to rain on his parade? It’s just fun to sit back and watch the lefties scramble to find their footing. Keep it up, Joe – it’s good entertainment for us on the right!

Written by Staff Reports

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