
Billionaire Puts Harvard on Notice Over Antisemitism Scandal

The liberal elites at Harvard University are in hot water as billionaire Len Blavatnik and his family foundation have hit the brakes on their moolah train to Harvard. The reason? Well, it seems that the university has been backing President Claudine Gay, despite accusations that she turned a blind eye to students spewing antisemitic rhetoric on campus. That’s not a good look, Harvard.

According to a report, Blavatnik is putting the kibosh on his funding until the university does something about what he sees as rampant antisemitism at the school. Hey, can you blame the guy? He’s got a point! A little birdie told Bloomberg that Blavatnik is not messing around. He’s pausing his generous donations until Harvard decides to do the right thing. Way to lay down the law, Mr. Blavatnik!

It turns out that this Ukrainian-born British-American businessman and his wife Emily have tossed at least $270 million into Harvard’s piggy bank, with a juicy $200 million of that going directly to the medical school. That’s a whole lot of cheddar, folks! But not so fast, Harvard. Blavatnik isn’t the only big shot taking a stand. Oh no, no, no. It seems there’s a whole bunch of donors ready to jump ship over Harvard’s questionable response to some serious issues.

The Harvard Crimson spilled the tea, revealing that Blavatnik isn’t the only one walking away from a once beautiful friendship with Harvard. Oh, no. Blavatnik is just the tip of the iceberg of a full-blown donor revolt! And let’s not forget the impact it could have. If these deep-pocketed donors start ghosting Harvard, it might just leave the university feeling the heat. 

And let’s not forget about President Claudine Gay. She’s in some pretty hot water herself. As the Harvard president, she’s supposed to be the big cheese when it comes to wrangling in those big bucks for the university. But with donors like Blavatnik and others hitting the road, things are looking pretty rocky for her. And it’s not like this is the first time Harvard’s had egg on its face. The Wexner Foundation ended its 34-year relationship with Harvard over the continued antisemitism scandal. 

But wait, there’s more! Israeli billionaires Idan and Batia Ofer also said “Adios, Harvard!” as they quit the Harvard Kennedy School’s executive board in response to what they saw as the university’s lukewarm condemnation of a Hamas attack on Israel. 

The Harvard Business School alumnus’s temporary cutting ties with the university is a major setback for President Gay and Harvard. It looks like Harvard might need to clean up its act, or its once overflowing bank account might start to look a little empty. 



Written by Staff Reports

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