
Border Bedlam: Biden’s Blunders Breed Historic Crisis!

It might be a new year, but the Biden administration is still floundering in its attempts to deflect criticism about the escalating meltdown at the U.S.-Mexico border. On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre once again squirmed when asked if the president would take any responsibility for the chaos and multiple crises caused by the record-breaking influx of illegal immigrants pouring into the United States. She offered a feeble response, essentially stating that the president is aware of the problem at the border. 

This half-hearted acknowledgment is marginally better than the previous outright denials of a crisis and the insistence that the border was totally under control. However, it’s still a feeble attempt to shift blame for the public health, drug, human trafficking, crime, and humanitarian crises that Biden has created and allowed to spiral out of control.

When the reporter pressed for a clearer answer, Jean-Pierre stumbled once more, saying she hadn’t seen any data linking the administration’s policies to the record number of border crossings. Seriously? The data is as clear as day. December witnessed the highest number of illegal immigrant encounters in any month in history. This means that Biden has presided over a border crisis that has swollen to become the worst in history.

It’s crystal clear that Biden’s policies have led to these record-breaking woes. These policies include immediately halting the construction of the border wall, calling for amnesty for over 10 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., and seeking to halt the deportation of illegal immigrants. Since then, it’s been the same song and dance, including taking legal action against Texas for actually doing what the Biden administration won’t do: securing the border and removing illegal immigrants.

The Biden bunch has never been adept at holding themselves accountable for the consequences of their actions. From inflation to the border crisis to international chaos and beyond, Biden has failed to honor his promise that the buck stops with him.

Despite the White House’s weak attempts to shield Biden from accountability, most Americans concur that Biden and his policies are squarely to blame for the border crisis. Moreover, Biden’s reputation is taking a nosedive as the border mess worsens.

As reported by The Hill, “President Biden’s approval rating on immigration dropped 8 points since [November]” in a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll that found only 38 percent of registered voters approved of Biden’s handling of immigration, compared to 46 percent in November. The same report highlighted that nearly one in three voters view immigration as one of the nation’s top issues, ranking behind price increases and inflation.

Going one step further, two-thirds of voters believe that the number of monthly border crossings by illegal immigrants has surged since Biden took office. A resounding 70 percent of voters, including 55 percent of Democrats, feel the administration should enforce “new, stricter” policies to curtail the influx of people into the country.


Written by Staff Reports

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