
Breaking: Marlow Reveals Biden’s Chilling Disregard for National Security!

Joe Biden’s lack of concern for national security is evident in his prioritization of trivial matters while major threats loom. While “junk fees” may be a nuisance, they pale in comparison to the ongoing issue of Islamic terrorism and Americans being held hostage by Hamas. It’s clear that Biden’s focus is misplaced and he doesn’t truly understand the gravity of the situation.

This lack of prioritization is not surprising considering Biden’s belief that “global warming” is the only real threat we face. This shows a profound ignorance and a disregard for the complexities and dangers of the world we live in. National security should be a top priority for any leader, but Biden continues to show that it is not high on his list of concerns.

Even the Democratic establishment recognizes Biden’s weaknesses in this area. Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates has stated that Biden has been wrong on major foreign policy and national security issues for decades. Yet, he was still given responsibilities in Ukraine and China, leading to questionable deals benefiting his own family. It’s a clear conflict of interest that should not be ignored.

Biden’s actions regarding Iran and Russia have also raised concerns. His attempts to revive the Iran nuclear deal have only empowered and emboldened Iran, which has shown its involvement in recent terrorist attacks. Additionally, his energy policies have not only hurt the American energy sector but also benefited Russia and Venezuela. Weakening our own energy resources puts us in a vulnerable position and strengthens our enemies.

Furthermore, Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan has had dire consequences. Thousands of dangerous prisoners were freed, and the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS have all become stronger as a result. This is a clear failure of leadership and decision-making that has put innocent lives at risk.

Biden’s approach to China is also troubling. He has a history of downplaying the threat they pose, and his family’s ties to China raise serious questions about potential conflicts of interest. His failure to address America’s open southern border only further exposes our vulnerabilities and empowers Mexican cartels.

Overall, Biden has shown a lack of understanding and concern for national security. His actions and decisions have weakened America and put our people at risk. It’s a dangerous situation that should not be ignored, and it’s clear that Biden simply doesn’t prioritize the safety and well-being of our nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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