
Brother’s Shady $600K Payout Raises Eyebrows!

The House Oversight Committee got an earful this week from a witness who dropped a bombshell about President Joe Biden’s kinfolk and their alleged shady dealings. According to the witness, James Biden, the president’s younger brother, supposedly finagled a whopping $600,000 from a struggling company and siphoned off a chunk of it straight to President Biden himself. This trustee for the company Americore spilled the beans in front of the shocked committee, claiming that James Biden sweet-talked her into forking over the moolah by promising to pull some strings with his big shot last name. In the end, it was all smoke and mirrors since the promised business connections never came to fruition.

What’s even juicier is that the trustee couldn’t track down any company records showing where that hefty loan ended up. A fat $200,000 chunk was sent right into the bank account of James and his wifey, Sara. And guess what? That same day, they turned around and shipped an equal amount to President Biden’s account, calling it a “loan repayment.” 

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer smells something fishy and is demanding answers from President Biden. He’s questioning whether the president had his mitts in other sketchy money dealings with the fam that ended up padding his bank account. Even if that $200,000 was just a “personal loan repayment,” it’s still pretty sketchy that President Biden’s payday depended on his brother’s murky financial transactions. And let’s not forget, this isn’t the first dance with controversy for the Biden bunch. House Republicans are on the hunt, trying to get the lowdown from James Biden and Hunter Biden about some hefty cash flows, including a $40,000 “loan repayment” from overseas moolah connected to China.

While the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, President Biden’s daughter has also stirred up trouble by owing a boatload in back taxes. It looks like the Biden clan will stop at nothing to rake in that dough. 

Written by Staff Reports

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