
Casey’s Immigration Two-Step: From Wall to Moat for Votes?

Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) is at it again, flip-flopping like a fish out of water when it comes to immigration! The Republicans are calling him out for his convenient change of heart just in time for reelection season. It’s like he’s got a political mood ring that changes color based on what year it is. What’s next, Sen. Casey? Will you be proposing to build an immigration moat instead of a wall next time?

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is not holding back, with spokesperson Philip Letsou pointing out Casey’s wishy-washy immigration history. They say Casey is ready to say anything to cling onto power, even if it means pulling the wool over the eyes of the good folks in Pennsylvania. Ouch! The gloves are off, and the punches are flying.

It’s like a game of political musical chairs for Sen. Casey as he switches up his immigration stances depending on whether he’s up for reelection. When he’s not in the hot seat, he’s voting against measures to beef up border security. But when it’s time to rally the voters, suddenly he’s all for combating fentanyl trafficking at the border. The only thing consistent about his stance is its inconsistency!

Even before his current stint in the Senate, Casey was already tap dancing around the issue. Back in 2006, he was all about opposing federal benefits for illegal immigrants and supporting a fancy new border fence. Fast forward to 2013 when he was up for some more campaigning, and suddenly he’s on board with a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. It’s like the hokey pokey of immigration policy — you never know which way he’ll turn next!

Now, David McCormick, Casey’s GOP rival for the Senate seat, is taking him to the metaphorical woodshed. McCormick isn’t mincing words, accusing Casey of being complicit in the immigration crisis and failing to put Pennsylvanians’ safety first. It’s a knock-down, drag-out showdown, and McCormick is painting Casey as the poster child for weak immigration policies.

Casey’s camp is doing some damage control, of course. His communications director, Maddy McDaniel, is on the defensive, touting Casey’s history of bipartisan bills while taking a swipe at McCormick for not getting behind the latest immigration bill. It’s a classic case of political finger-pointing, and the mud is flying fast and furious!

With Pennsylvania being one of those pivotal states that President Biden snatched by a hair’s breadth in 2020, the pressure is on for Sen. Casey. The political pot is boiling, and it looks like the heat is only going to turn up as the election season kicks into high gear. It’s a wild ride in the political arena, and Sen. Casey is right in the middle of the ring, dancing to the beat of his own immigration drum.

Written by Staff Reports

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