
Clooney Urges Biden to Step Down, Seeks Obama’s Silent Nod

Well, if you thought Hollywood elites would stick to playing make-believe, think again. George Clooney – yes, the same guy who should stick to making subpar romantic comedies – has decided to venture into the political arena, and boy, did he make a splash. Apparently, he’s now playing the role of Democratic strategist, penning an op-ed urging President Joe Biden to step down. Surprise, surprise, Clooney didn’t just pull this stunt out of his fancy hat; he ran it by his buddy, former President Barack Obama, who reportedly didn’t give it a thumbs down.

After a dreadful debate performance that even his staunch supporters couldn’t spin into something positive, Biden has been trying to patch up the fractures within his own party. The unity facade started crumbling this Wednesday, courtesy of Clooney’s op-ed. The Hollywood actor opined that Biden isn’t up to snuff mentally for a second term and urged Democrats to find a replacement. Yikes! When Hollywood’s second-stringers start giving political advice, you know things are going downhill.

As if the op-ed wasn’t bad enough, Clooney didn’t just wing it. He sought the nod from none other than Obama. Although Obama didn’t outright endorse the missive, his lack of objection is probably making the Biden camp feel as betrayed as Scooby-Doo finding out his Scooby Snacks were just dog food. This has all the makings of a daytime soap opera, with backstabbing and drama galore.

Sources inside the Democratic camp have indicated that while Obama didn’t exactly push Clooney to write the piece, his silence on the matter is almost a backhanded approval. Funny, isn’t it? The Democrats’ golden boy from yesteryear subtly undermining the current man in charge. Even the Daily Mail’s Charlie Spiering had this figured out right after Clooney’s op-ed hit the public eye.

It’s not like Obama hasn’t been playing Mr. Supportive in public. After all, he was all smiles at a recent fundraiser hosted by Clooney and even tweeted about how one bad debate night shouldn’t derail an entire campaign. Behind the scenes, though, there are whispers that Obama privately thinks Biden’s debate performance was a train wreck. Talk about two-faced.

And let’s not ignore the juicy tidbit about Clooney and Biden’s rocky relationship. Clooney wasn’t shy about dialing up the White House to gripe about Biden’s stance on issues related to the International Criminal Court, especially cases his wife had a stake in. Clearly, when personal and political interests collide, it makes for the perfect Hollywood script.

So, as Clooney plays political puppet master and Obama quietly undermines from behind the curtain, Biden’s team scrambles for damage control. One thing is for sure – the Democrats are in for a blockbuster season of political drama. Popcorn, anyone?

Written by Staff Reports

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