
CNN & Wallace Caught Manipulating RNC Interview: Hiding Hunter Biden Laptop Truth!

In the fall of 2020, the mainstream media and the Democrats did everything they could to ignore and hide the Hunter Biden laptop crisis. They even made up a fake letter from intelligence officials to make it look like the damaging information on the laptop was not true. But, as Townhall reported from the start, the laptop was real, and its contents were disgusting. This showed how the Biden family had been acting in a crooked way.

Now, almost three years later, it seems like CNN and reporter Chris Wallace are still trying to downplay the importance of Hunter's laptop and the planned effort to hide it during the 2020 election. Wallace recently talked to RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel for his show on HBO's "Max" streaming service, which will also air on CNN.

But when Wallace and CNN promoted the interview, they edited it in a way that left out McDaniel's points about how hiding Hunter Biden's laptop was part of a plan by the media and big tech companies to change the story in favor of the Democrats.

This week, a clip of McDaniel's answer was shown on CNN Primetime. However, the text only showed a small part of her answer, leaving out her account of the problems with the 2020 election and how the Hunter Biden laptop scandal played a role. But McDaniel's full answer and explanation can be heard in the full interview, which is on Max.

Even though CNN edited in a slanted way, McDaniel's points are still true. In the last days of the election, the media and big tech did work together to control the flow of information and help Joe Biden. American voters didn't have access to important information, and tests show that if they had known about Hunter's laptop, they might not have voted for Biden. But we will never know for sure how much this censorship changed the result of the election.

Also, it is not "election denial" to point out how organizations worked together with Biden to keep him out of the spotlight. It's not strange that CNN and Wallace didn't want to air McDaniel's comment about this cooperation, since the network helped spread false information about the laptop. Even after all this time, it's sad that the media still won't admit when they were wrong.

Keith Schipper, a spokesman for the RNC, was right when he said that the misleading cutting of the interview and the continuing hiding of the Hunter Biden laptop story hurt people's trust in the media. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like the media has any plans to change. Wallace's sample clip shows that the media tends to pick and choose facts to fit the story they want to tell, especially when it comes to protecting Democrats.

After Wallace's clip ran, The Washington Post, Mediaite, and Morning Joe all jumped on McDaniel's position, totally ignoring her good answer and portraying her as someone who doesn't believe in the election. This is just one more example of how the media makes up fake stories and claims to protect Democrats from scrutiny and responsibility and keep the American people from knowing the truth. It's time for the media to stop acting and start telling people the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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