A study by American and British experts discovered COVID-19 vaccines are 100 times more likely to cause serious damage than avoid hospitalization.
The study analyzes CDC VAERS data, according to the British site Daily Sceptic.
For every COVID-19 hospitalization averted in previously uninfected young adults, 18 to 98 major adverse events will occur.
There are 1.7 to 3 booster-associated myocarditis cases in boys and 1,373 to 3,234 serious injuries.
The risk-benefit profile is even less advantageous due to significant natural immunity after infection, the study revealed.
Booster mandates are unethical because:
-No formal risk-benefit assessment for age group;
-Vaccine mandates may hurt teens.
-The low and temporary effectiveness of vaccinations against transmission makes regulations disproportionate.
-U.S. mandates breach reciprocity since uncommon serious vaccination-related damages aren't reliably paid due to inadequacies in present vaccine injury schemes.
-Mandates hurt society.
The Daily Sceptic noted that while the study "focuses on vaccine coercion, its arguments equally apply to the offer of vaccination to young adults" and raise questions about whether vaccine recipients are fully appraised of the risks and advantages before consenting to the inoculation.
The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on WND.