
Deadly Fallout: Biden’s Border Mess Strikes Yet Again!

President Joe Biden’s border and immigration policies have led to a surge of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders, benefiting dangerous cartels. These cartels profit from trafficking migrants to the border, ignoring Vice President Kamala Harris’s claims that the situation is under control. This dangerous journey exposes migrants to abuse, extreme weather conditions, and reliance on ruthless cartels. Even for those who survive, there are risks associated with entering the country illegally. In a recent incident, an illegal immigrant fell from the boundary fence near San Luis, Arizona, and tragically died. Another immigrant fell and sustained injuries but is now in stable condition. The Biden administration’s approach to border security has resulted in numerous deaths and injuries.

Unfortunately, this incident is not an isolated case. Since Biden took office, there have been multiple fatalities related to illegal immigration. From falls off the border wall in Otay Mesa, California, and Brownsville, Texas, to a tragic incident involving a female immigrant from Honduras near McAllen, Texas, the toll continues to rise. Reuters has reported more than 1,000 illegal immigrant deaths from January 2021 to July 2022. These casualties shed light on the dark consequences of Biden’s lenient immigration policies. Additionally, there have been countless injuries, with one hospital in San Diego admitting 375 patients who fell from the border wall during the first two years of the Biden administration.

It’s essential to remember that these incidents occurred under a president who claims his border policies are “humane.” Despite Vice President Harris’s shallow assertion that migrants should not come, the Biden administration’s actions do not reflect a genuine effort to secure the border. It’s clear that stronger measures are needed to address the influx of illegal immigrants and the dangers they face. Biden’s policies not only harm the security and well-being of American citizens but also perpetuate a cycle of violence and exploitation orchestrated by ruthless cartels.

Written by Staff Reports

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