A young boy riding his bike to school was hit by a car driven by a powerful Democrat politician. The driver left the scene but faced no serious consequences. This shocking incident exposes the rotten core of Illinois politics where liberal elites play by different rules.
Jackie Traynere, a Will County Board leader and DuPage Township boss, struck the child in a crosswalk and drove off. Police reports show she later showed up at the station claiming she “wasn’t sure” if she hit him. Cops found dents and scratches on her car that matched hitting a bike. But Traynere only got a traffic ticket – regular folks would’ve been arrested on the spot.
Traynere has been a Democrat bigwig for nearly 20 years. She’s connected to liberal groups like Bolingbrook Pride and groups pushing radical policies. While she talks about protecting kids, her actions prove it’s all empty words. This is classic Democrat hypocrisy – preach about safety while endangering children.
Witnesses saw the whole thing. They say Traynere ran the light, hit the boy, checked on him briefly, then took off. The child’s bike chain was broken in the crash. Thankfully he wasn’t badly hurt, but that’s not the point. Leaving the scene is against the law – unless you’re a connected Democrat.
Illinois law says you MUST stay at crash scenes involving injuries. But Traynere skated with just a “failure to yield” ticket. No arrest. No real punishment. This two-tier justice system stinks to high heaven. Democrat politicians protect their own while working families get the book thrown at them.
The public is furious. Folks are asking why mainstream media buried this story for weeks. Independent watchdogs had to fight to get police reports released. Videos of the crash aftermath are going viral, showing cops asking the shaken boy where the driver went. Traynere’s social media posts about “child abuse prevention” now look laughable.
This isn’t just one incident – it’s part of a pattern. From Chicago crime waves to failing schools, Democrat leaders keep failing Illinois families. They care more about political power than protecting kids. Traynere’s slap-on-the-wrist proves that liberal elites think they’re above the law.
Conservatives have warned for years about unaccountable leadership. This case proves it. A child gets hit, the driver flees, and nothing happens. Every parent should be outraged. Illinois deserves leaders who put safety first, not crooked politicians who ditch injured kids in the street.