
Democrats Limit Choices While Clamping Down on Third-Party Options

It’s become increasingly clear that when it comes to “choice,” the Democrats are all about limiting options. The party of progress seems to only want to ensure that choices revolve around abortion while simultaneously clamping down on everything else—including elections. Voters looking for options in the upcoming election will discover that they have two choices: the spectacularly underwhelming duo of Harris-Walz or… wait for it… Harris-Walz. A write-in? Sure, as long as the write-in option is still Harris-Walz.

Kamala Harris made her way to the ballot without ever having faced a primary or an actual election, raising eyebrows and questions about genuine democracy. For any left-leaning voters who might be considering an option beyond the Democrat machine, good luck finding an alternative that doesn’t come wrapped in the same slimy packaging. Certainly, the situation varies by locale, but the overarching narrative points firmly to one conclusion: the Democrats aren’t about fostering a rich array of options; they’re just tightening the noose on acceptable choices.

In the saga of political suppression, recent court proceedings in Wisconsin might put the Green Party’s chances of making an appearance on the ballot in serious jeopardy. Skylar Croy, a lawyer, is challenging what he describes as an orchestrated effort by Democrats to block this third-party option. There’s a real possibility that this case heads to the U.S. Supreme Court, especially since the argument hinges on an alleged additional requirement imposed by Democrats: you must be either a Republican or a Democrat. Isn’t it delightful to witness such blatant disenfranchisement dressed up as a democratic process?

The tone-deaf maneuvering by the current administration reaches further than just a single state. Cornel West, that bastion of independent thought, recently found himself sidelined in Pennsylvania when a Republican judge sided with Democrat Governor Josh Shapiro to reject West’s ballot paperwork. It’s a classic case of having different rules for different players—minor-party candidates must jump through all kinds of hoops, but the major-party players waltz through unscathed. Could it be that Democrats are afraid of any voices that might disrupt their monopoly on power?

This political theater grows even more ludicrous when considering the past and current election tactics. While Trump faced his fair share of theatrics—including constant legal battles—Biden and Harris glide through the political landscape practically unscathed. The double standards are glaring, but Democrats seem oblivious, intent on maintaining their stranglehold on the system. As RFK Jr. garnered a hero’s welcome in Arizona, it’s clear that more and more people are rejecting the mainstream narrative and looking for authenticity in their political choices. 


In a world where the phrase “meet the new boss, same as the old boss” rings ever truer, the folks are beginning to see that the political fight isn’t merely left against right; it’s increasingly a rebellion against the system itself. The lid on dissent is being clamped down, and the public seems less inclined to settle for the status quo. Whether through the rise of outsider candidates or the stubborn refusal to accept the current political narrative, Americans are beginning to understand one fundamental truth: being played for the fool is no longer an option.

Written by Staff Reports

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