
Democrats Push COVID Panic as Trump Gains Ground in Polls

The political scene is heating up as reports emerge that Kamala Harris’s early polling surge is fading faster than most campaign promises. With Donald Trump clawing his way to the front, bringing back the dreaded COVID-19 protocols seems to be the Democrats’ go-to playbook, once again highlighting their uncanny ability to weaponize a health crisis for political gain.

The latest updates show Trump regaining strength in critical battleground states, leaving Democrats in a frenzy. They would give anything to distract voters from their floundering campaign, and what better way to do that than by conjuring up visions of surging COVID cases? It’s almost a hallmark of their strategy: if they can’t convince the public of their policies, they’ll resort to fear.

An article penned by Aron Solomon casts a pall over summer leisure with dire warnings about a supposed resurgence of COVID-19. Oddly, it appears the only people concerned about COVID tests are those looking to get inviting headlines. Could it be that Solomon is simply looking for a new reason to trot out the masks and social distancing stickers?

According to Solomon, new variants of COVID are springing up like weeds, proving potent in infecting even the most vaccinated of populations. This would make sense if one were to ignore that a majority of Americans seem more worried about inflation and rising gas prices than a virus that has been drilled into everyone’s heads for the past few years. This might explain why discussions about resuming strict public health measures are back on the menu — after all, the Democrats are in dire need of a distraction.

Logic seems to be lost on those pushing the narrative that relaxing restrictions has led to this latest crisis. Advocating for measures like mask mandates and lockdowns now sounds more like a desperate cry from those who relished the control they had during the pandemic. A glimmer of normalcy, psychologically uplifting for many, is portrayed as a villainous play allowing COVID to thrive. Some would argue those calling for restrictions again are more concerned about their power than public health. 


The reality is that the 2020 election hinged on a slim number of votes, and implementing mass mail-in voting in the face of a health scare helped to skew those results. Many conservative commentators forecasted this scenario long ago: a mid-election Covid renaissance, meant to tip the scales again in favor of the left. If they’re to succeed, suggesting panic and pushing for mail-in ballots may be their only hope to replicate the “success” of previous elections.

While the nation is witnessing a serious reset in attendance at political rallies and gatherings, one can almost hear the Democrats scheming from behind their desks, hoping to seize on the fears associated with COVID for yet another round of “safety first” regulations. The election clock is ticking, and as predicted, it’s very clear they would rather bring back lockdowns and masks than engage voters with actual substance.

Written by Staff Reports

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