
Dems Unhinged: Leftists Can’t Stomach Trump’s Triumph

Can you believe the audacity of the left? It’s like they just can’t handle the fact that Donald Trump became president in 2016. You remember, right? The tears, the screaming, the falling to their knees? It was like a toddler’s tantrum but on a national level. And now, they just won’t let it go! Democrats have gone so far as to try impeaching him not once, but TWICE. And now, they’re resorting to lawfare to stop him from having a fighting chance in 2024. I mean, talk about sore losers!

But hold onto your hats, folks, because it gets even more ridiculous. Former Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, sat down with Dan Bongino for an interview, and boy, did he have some jaw-dropping things to say. He pointed out that despite all the left’s efforts – protests, impeachment, and now indictment – nothing has worked. And you know what he’s worried about next? Assassination. Yeah, you heard that right. He’s genuinely concerned that the left could stoop so low as to take out Trump. Can you believe the lengths they’ll go to?

But it gets even crazier. Carlson even tried to warn Trump about this potential threat, but the former president didn’t seem too keen on the subject. Can you blame him? Who wants to entertain the idea of being targeted for assassination? This is some next-level insanity, folks. It’s clear that the left will stop at nothing to silence anyone who doesn’t agree with their narrative.

And to top it all off, Carlson made a bold statement about truth. He pointed out that if you want to know what’s real, just look at the things you’re not allowed to say. Because, according to him, those are the things that are true. It’s like we’re living in an episode of the Twilight Zone, where up is down and left is right. But hey, at least we’ve got Tucker Carlson willing to speak the unfiltered truth, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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