
Desperation in Denver: Colorado Springs Coup Boots Trump from Ballot!

In the latest partisan power play by the 14th Amendment crowd, which seems to have nothing better to do than try to keep Donald Trump out of the limelight, they’ve managed to score a win in Colorado. Their comrades in the Colorado Supreme Court have made the bold move to remove Trump from the 2024 ballot, citing the ridiculous claims that he led an insurrection against the United States. The Trump team is now being forced into yet another intense legal battle as they prepare for the next election.

The Colorado Supreme Court, in a 4-3 ruling, determined that Trump should be barred from the state’s Republican primary ballot under the 14th Amendment. Their reasoning? They believe that Trump incited the events of January 6, 2021, and therefore, he should be prevented from seeking the presidency under the “insurrection clause” of the 14th Amendment. It’s truly a stunning blow to Trump, as the court has essentially accused him of committing an act of insurrection without any actual evidence to support their claims.

The court has decided to hold off on enforcing their ruling until January 4th, giving Trump the opportunity to seek review from the Supreme Court. If he decides to take this route, his name will stay on the ballot until the appeal is resolved. The Supreme Court of Colorado stated that they did not make their decision lightly, claiming to be “mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us.” It’s hard to take their alleged impartiality seriously when their ruling seems to be more about political posturing than actual justice.

In the midst of all this drama, New Hampshire also entertained the idea of using the 14th Amendment to boot Trump from their ballot. Thankfully, they came to their senses and backed down. Perhaps they realized that the whole argument is baseless and without merit. Last time anyone checked, Trump hasn’t actually been charged with inciting an insurrection. Oh, and there’s this little thing called due process of law, where people are innocent until proven guilty. But hey, who needs logic and fairness when you’re trying to keep your political enemies out of the race?

It’s crystal clear that these efforts to sideline Trump are only serving to rally stronger support for him within the GOP. It’s no secret that Democrats are quaking in their boots at the thought of a Trump comeback, yet at the same time, they’re secretly hoping he’ll be their 2024 Republican nominee. Why? Because they see him as an easier opponent for Joe Biden to defeat. But wait a minute – with Biden’s approval ratings plummeting like a lead balloon, suddenly, Trump doesn’t look like such a shoo-in for Biden anymore. Even the almighty Obama is reportedly sweating at the idea that Biden could lose the next election.

The Democrats have been nervously watching Biden’s numbers sinking like a stone for weeks. And what a convenient coincidence that anti-Trump forces are working overtime to scratch a former president off the ballots just as more and more polls and publications are pointing out how Biden’s popularity is tanking. It’s almost like they’re trying to distract from the sinking ship of the Biden administration by creating a whole new spectacle with Trump. But hey, as the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures. And the 14th Amendment crowd seems to be a living, breathing embodiment of desperation.

Written by Staff Reports

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